Omnisearch CEO attends SaaStr Annual 2024 at San Francissco Bay

From September 10th to 12th, our CEO Marin Smiljanic will attend the Saastr annual summit, held in San Francisco Bay Area.

Sasstr is a prestigious event where during the 3 full days, experienced speakers from the best SaaS companies around the world will share their insights on their AI experience. The whole summit is enriched with workshops, networking sessions and tactical content including world known founders, new faces and plenty of other experts in the field. The focus of the event is expanding knowledge, sharing new found insights, networking meetings and 1 - on 1 sessions, all while having fun and spending time with like minded people that are the best of the best in their field.

Meetup with Omnisearch to learn how multimodal search can help increase your revenue. Our client, Underline Science, reports over 70% increase in item investigations, helping students utilize online learning platforms better.

Book a demo or add Marin on LinkedIn to see how!

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